
BioRodDis explores the complex links between small mammal biodiversity, urbanization, and zoonotic risks. In a world where ecosystems are increasingly disrupted by human activities, understanding ecological dynamics is crucial for preventing emerging diseases.

BioRodDis focuses on small mammals like rodents, key species in the transmission of zoonoses, and investigates how environmental changes, such as habitat urbanization, affect pathogen circulation. In particular, we aim to address urgent questions about how biodiversity loss and habitat modifications influence the interactions between these animals and infectious agents, and how this impacts human health.

Our project brings together researchers, engineers, technicians and students from various countries and disciplines, combining ecology, population biology, and public health to develop conservation strategies that reduce zoonotic risks while promoting biodiversity.

Project Objectives:

  • Understand how ecosystem transformations, particularly in urban areas, affect rodent populations and their microbiomes.
  • Identify the factors associated with the diversity and transmission of zoonotic pathogens carried by small mammals to better predict health crises.
  • Propose recommendations for managing natural and urban spaces to limit the risk of zoonotic outbreaks.